In Kenya the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative(CCRI) was implemented by Indigenous Information Network (IIN), a Non Governmental Organization operating in Kenya in partnership with communities in Kimintet Nyekweri Forest Trust TransMara sub county in Narok County and Kargi,Korr,Kamboye,Logologo in Marsabit County. This report explains how the goal of the initiative to sustain and strengthen the resilience of community conservation practices, including Indigenous Peoples’ and community conserved territories and areas in light of existing or potential external and internal threats have been achieved in Kenya. The main objective of the Kenya CCRI was to perform a bottom up assessment of the resilience of Indigenous peoples communities conservation, their restoration approaches and assess community concerns and the assessment the legal, political, socio-economic, financial, technical, and capacity-building support that could assist in sustaining and strengthening such initiatives and approaches, and subsequently to secure those forms of support through strategic advocacy efforts. The overall aim of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) is to contribute to the implementation of the CBD’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets by providing policy advice on effective and appropriate forms of support for community conservation.