Human Rights

  Indigenous Information Network believes in human rights based approach. This is very crucial and it ensures that while implementing our activities and projects we live no one behind. We mainstream human rights in all our work.


Land and any issues surrounding it are sensitive in Africa and across the globe. With Indigenous Peoples, land is equivalent to life. Their entire livelihood depends on land. However, their land has never been guaranteed especially for the women. Indigenous Information Network together with Partners have joined together to train and work with communities especially women on how to advocate for the rights of their lands. This has been a crucial venture especially among the windows within the remote rural communities where cultures and traditions deny women the rights to own land or any property. This is being done through trainings and awareness creation, combining with other initiatives on environmental protection. Other initiatives are to ensure that land is utilized sustainably by practicing good land use practices with a focus on landscape approaches which help them use their traditional ways of managing their lands. Information, education, and communication materials are provided to enable them continue managing their land sustainably