Indigenous Information Network(IIN) works with Indigenous communities who still believe and lead traditional way of life. The Cultures and traditions play a vital role in their way of survival that bring them collectively together as a people. It is for this reason that the organization recognizes the important role traditional knowledge plays in the daily activities of the communities on their social, economic, political, reproductive and environmental conservation. In light of this, together we ensure that traditional knowledge is preserved, enhance. We organize trainings discussions to ensure that most of knowledge from elders is passed on to the next generation. IIN as an organization works closely with other partner that promotes the use of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity. In the past year, the organization conducted a survey to see the impact of climate change on traditional knowledge in Narok County which is one of the areas of our activities. Climate Change was found to be one of the major challenges that has affected the pastoral communities and hunter gathers. IIN hope to extent the same to all pastoralist areas and share the information with them as best practices to address climate change and environmental conservation and build their resilience to impacts and effects of climate change. A good example is traditional practices on forage management for their animals. Water harvesting practices to ensure they have water for their livestock during the prolonged dry seasons. We promote the use of traditional knowledge in the preservation of natural resources. For example, the existence of sacred forest areas helps maintain the ecosystem and ensure that genetic resources are safeguarded.